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Lockdown: the ultimate pre-production stage for advertisers

Head of Production, Afzal Robbani, discusses how brands can prepare themselves for post-lockdown success.

Look – Covid-19 has been terrible for the advertising film industry. Studios, hire houses and locations are shutting down, productions are being postponed, and nobody knows when it will be safe to return to the jobs we love.

But lockdown also presents brands, agencies and producers with a unique commodity – time. Whether you work behind a desk or in front of the camera, nobody’s expecting you to run out and shoot your next ad tomorrow.

This makes today the perfect opportunity to take stock of where you are, and what you want to achieve once lockdown is over. You may well be returning to a smaller group of potential customers – which will make bold, memorable advertising more important than ever.

If you’re planning on meeting that challenge, now’s the time to start putting things in place. Find an agency, crack the creative strategy, nail the scripts down, and do everything you can to ensure you’re ahead of the competition on the first day of freedom.

With producers, directors and the rest of the crew stuck on their sofas, there’s never been a better time to canvas opinion, and work out how to push the boundaries in your ads. And if your brief can’t wait, animation and remote filming can be excellent options too.

Of course, challenges will still remain after lockdown ends. Social distancing may throw up logistical challenges, while budget cuts might mean paying extra attention to every penny.

Fortunately you’ve got both of the tools you need to overcome those problems: a brave vision, and a bit of time.

Afzal Robbani, Head of Production

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